The Secret History of the United States


Contra supply plane shot down, Hasenfus captured

chernobyl april 29

The [Chernobyl] accident, he [Chernousenko] says, was not the result of operator error but was caused by major flaws of design present in fifteen other Soviet reactors that are still in operation....Chernousenko asserts that between 7,000 and 10,000 volunteers were killed. But his most serious charge is that the accident released the lethal contents of 80 percent of the reactor core rather than the 3 percent figure announced to the world.
Chernobyl - the hidden tragedy by Jay M. Gould in The Nation Magazine (March 15,1993)

It exploded ten years ago this month. But Chernobyl's molten radioactive rubble continues to smolder and kill -- and could explode again. Its lethal runoff now threatens the water supply of tens of millions of people. Its airborne fallout has led to a massive increase in childhood thyroid cancer rates in the surrounding area -- and may have affected them as far away as Connecticut...Despite this unparalleled disaster, fifteen Soviet R.B.M.K. reactors like the one at Chernobyl are still in operation, and the global nuclear energy industry is struggling to keep them going. Two months before the accident, a glowing photo spread in Soviet Life featured Chernobyl as the pinnacle of technological achievement.
In the Dead Zone: Aftermath of the Apocalypse by Harvey Wasserman The Nation April 96

For the Children of Chernobyl
There's another site on Chernobyl

more on nuclear1987

Another 1,000 TOW missiles were shipped to Iran - the first direct U.S. shipment - but no hostage was released.
Veil - Bob Woodward p.506

"We did not - repeat, did not - trade weapons or anything else for hostages. Nor will we."
-Ronald Reagan

In 1986 at the height of the Iran-conta scandal, Gergen used a similar ploy to shield Ronald Reagan from Congress. As lawmakers called for a full-scale investigation of the administration's arms-for-hostages deal, Gergen went on national television to portay ant congressional inquiry as a direct attack on the presidency.
...The warning bought the president several months to get his story straight, and the Congress never touched him.
Club Fed - Bill Thomas

...in some cases, FBI investigators discovered, arms shipments to the contras were "married" to return flights of narcotics sent via the Bahamas to the United States. Under mounting public scrutiny the Reagan White House reluctantly conceded that some contra rebels may well have "engaged in" drug trafficking although, the administration quickly added, these drug runners were acting on their own.
p.107 The Last Days of the CIA : Eclipse - Mark Perry

text from Senator Kerry's investigation of drugrunning by the contras is at Pink Noise

more on Iran/contra1987

more on drugs1987

From 1986 to 1989, a $3 billion CIA covert operation to support the Afghan rebels secretly sent almost one thousand Stinger missiles to the rebel front, through connections with the Pakistani government...But three hundred of the deadly Stingers are missing and unaccounted for.
p.97 When the Eagle Screams - Stephen Bowman

marcos flees phillipines

secret history 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

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